Counting down (or: 250 to go)


This is Marco again, taking over Niki’s blog πŸ™‚
The past week has been a whirlwind of awesomeness as
we’ve had a lot of fun all over the area here.
We’ve been to the mall (once to catch a movie, once for some dedicated shopping)
and we’ve been to New York City twice. One time for a NY Rangers game,
the other time to visit sights and locations we haven’t really been to.

First up was the 9/11 memorial which was impressive. After that we strolled
through China town. Weird, in all our trips to the city we’ve never gone there.
It was interesting. Definitely a lot better than the “China town” near my place.
Which is really just half a street. I’ll have to make sure to get Niki some pictures
of that πŸ˜‰

So today is an important day. We are 250 days away from Niki’s move to the Netherlands.
That means we’re about one third down from when we started the official countdown on January 1st.
There’s still so much to do, though I do believe we have everything under control.
The most “interesting” part is the official documentation that she’ll need.
Like a document in legalese that she is not married. It cannot be older than 6 months (I think)
So…if you get it too early, it might not be valid anymore by the time she moves or at least when she needs it (you know..the start certain legal procedures *winkwink*)
If you ask for it too late she won’t have it in time… So I gues applying for it around June will be the best moment.

Keep in mind the 250 days to go is slightly still on a sliding scale.
It could already be a few days less, it might be a few days more (the latter being very unlikely)
She knows when her last day of work will be, and we’ll stay a few more days after that but not much longer.
So we can pack in peace, visit the city once or twice more..just to unwind before the big moment.

But the actual exact flight date is still up in the air (get it? flight? air? Yeah..lame, I know)
For now, I’ve got my eyes on leaving here on the 18th, landing at Schiphol airport on the 19th.
And yes, there will be people there with a large banner to welcome Niki.
I can’t wait…fast foward please? πŸ™‚

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