Posts Tagged With: Jumbo

Bike eating monster tree (Or: Sea of green)

Recently I spotted this monster tree eating bikes alive:

At least that is the story I am telling myself. It was a lot of green and just a bit of bikes peeking out on each side.

Here’s a weird story for you (in Dutch, from Missing three year old found at supermarket filling shopping cart with mackerel and chips. A massive search was started after parents reported their toddler missing. During the search a supermarket (Jumbo, a large supermarket chain) called the police to say they spotted a very, very young customer in their store… filling a child-sized shopping cart with lots of goodies. The list of groceries? A whole mackerel, chocolate milk, Lay’s potato chips, a bag of mandarins and a bossche bol. The last one is a Dutch inspired chocolate pastry – see also English Wikipedia.

The girl was reunited with her parents. The police didn’t say whether or not she was allowed to take the groceries with her, unfortunately.

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The weather turns cold (Or: Cold for the Netherlands, at least)

This week the temperature has been around 0-5C (32-41F). Of course that isn’t that cold for my readers from the US, but after 10 years in the Netherlands, it is cold. Luckily one of my Christmas gifts this year was a decent set of gloves. They keep my fingers nice and toasty. Mostly.

My streak of never taking a sick day at work has ended after about 20 years, unfortunately. The last time I took one I was a student worker at my university’s library back in 2003 or 2004, to give you some idea. It isn’t that I am stubborn, I just don’t get that sick that often. Or there was the one time my body decided to get sick around 7pm on a Friday evening, I was confined to the bed for the entire weekend, but then somehow felt well enough to go back to work on Monday. That sort of craziness.

This time I think it was a light version of the flu as the Netherlands is in the middle of a flu epidemic at the moment. I did test negative for corona. I suspect I picked up the flu virus at the hairdressers on Saturday as I was there for a while. Either way, the worst is over, Marco was very loving and received many brownie points, and my sick day record has officially been broken.

In other news, check out the chocolate egg selection at Jumbo (a supermarket):

Because of course Easter eggs start getting sold as soon as the New Years Eve memorabilia is out the door. Some of the flavors include caramel sea salt, nougat, creme brûlée, brownie, tiramisu and peanut butter. At this point, those all sound pretty normal as Jumbo usually has a huge selection.

Random link that might interest you: 11 books based in the Netherlands to add to your reading list from

Categories: Everyday purchases | Tags: , , | 2 Comments

Jumbo City (Or: Competition in the city centre)

A new grocery store is moving in to the city centre! A Jumbo City grocery store will be opening on the Grote Marktstraat on 4 December, which means competition for the local Albert Heijn. A little competition never hurt anyone, though…

For the non-Dutch speaking among us: it’s pronounced Yumbo, not Jumbo.

The store will be opening in what was previously the Marks & Spencer was (which I still miss for its food options – never cared about the clothing lines).

Flyer for the opening of the store on Grote Markstraat

One cool thing: the inside of the flyer had a map of the store layout. You don’t see that too often, since stores prefer you wander around and see everything.

Finding your way

Hopefully it lasts. It’s not bad to have more grocery store options in the city centre. Although there is also a Jumbo by the Holland Spoor train station already, it is quite small and didn’t have the same inventory as other Jumbos do.

Categories: Everyday purchases, The Hague | Tags: | 2 Comments

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