Church protests (Or: At least it’s peaceful)

This morning began in an interesting way. I had a second weekend trip to make to the grocery store (usually I can’t carry everything in one go as it’s a long walk to and from). I was approaching a nearby Catholic church, and happened to see about 5-6 people get out of a car carrying signs. I thought it was it was pretty strange to bring signs into church, but I figured it was related to some type of sale after church ended (plants, cookies, etc).

As I came closer, however, I quickly realized that this was not the case at all.  One of the signs had the name of the priest on it, and underneath “come clean”. Another sign had “God doesn’t have any any statue of limitations on sexual abuse”. They weren’t really there to partake in the service.

To their credit, they waited at the end of the parking lot for people to come out, about 75 feet from the main entrance of the church. They merely smiled, said hello, and passed me a piece of paper as I walked passed. I read most of the paper on the way to the grocery store, though it still wasn’t clear what it had to do with the local priest or why they were at this church. (Later Googling revealed that it had nothing to do with this town, except that the priest now works here. He wasn’t the abuser, but he dismissed claims that another priest in a Bronx school had abused a child, basically insinuating that the child was lying when the mother confronted him).

The group was still there as I returned about an hour later. They remembered me, and asked where I was going. They were somewhat shocked about how far I walk to the grocery store (it’s not that bad, just hilly). They were peaceful – not shouting or anything. Of course I was not there when the majority of the churchgoers were getting in their cars and driving past them to leave. But it was definitely surreal, from a neutral standpoint.


In other news, Marco spent about an hour dissecting my Dutch, which was mostly okay except for a few blatant Google Translate inspired errors. Even I knew it was not right, but I had no idea how to say what I wanted to say.

It’s going to be so nice to work a normal 8 hour shift this week… I can’t wait. We also have a catered all-faculty/administrator meeting on Wednesday, where they usually go all out and serve a large lunch. It’s been a pretty decent weekend, except I wish it had been longer (of course!).

Categories: Uncategorized | 7 Comments

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7 thoughts on “Church protests (Or: At least it’s peaceful)

  1. what a story! in holland this is happening quite frequently; priest being revealed. It is on the news and everything. but i dont know if they also go to the churches with sings and everything.

    I love your writing style! and love to read your blogs!

    Have a good day Nikki and see you soon!!

    Love, Naomi

    • Thanks for the comment! My writing style is whatever gets it written… things have felt so rushed lately with having to work late, etc. But it always seems like I have something random to post about, at least.

  2. I am sure in the States protests are more frequent. Us dutchies are still a bit more reserved and try to sort out stuff behind the scenes before picketing.

    But yeah the catholic church screwed up all over the world so I am not surprised by protests and priests being called out.

    • Well, you know where I live and how quiet it is, so I do want to emphasize the “peaceful” part. They did have sandwich boards though (to wear around their neck).

  3. Yeah i know. Can’t imagine it being anything but peaceful.

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