Bike eating monster tree (Or: Sea of green)

Recently I spotted this monster tree eating bikes alive:

At least that is the story I am telling myself. It was a lot of green and just a bit of bikes peeking out on each side.

Here’s a weird story for you (in Dutch, from Missing three year old found at supermarket filling shopping cart with mackerel and chips. A massive search was started after parents reported their toddler missing. During the search a supermarket (Jumbo, a large supermarket chain) called the police to say they spotted a very, very young customer in their store… filling a child-sized shopping cart with lots of goodies. The list of groceries? A whole mackerel, chocolate milk, Lay’s potato chips, a bag of mandarins and a bossche bol. The last one is a Dutch inspired chocolate pastry – see also English Wikipedia.

The girl was reunited with her parents. The police didn’t say whether or not she was allowed to take the groceries with her, unfortunately.

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2 thoughts on “Bike eating monster tree (Or: Sea of green)

  1. Henny

    Als je fiets niet gestolen wordt word hij wel opgegeten.

    Dat kleine meisje was vast aan het oefenen voor later als ze zelf boodschappen moet gaan doen. Voor ons om te glimlachen, voor de ouders iets minder leuk.

    • Stel dat het meisje over 20 jaar gaat trouwen. Je weet zeker dat dit verhaal wel voorbij komt tijdens de receptie…

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